Wednesday, February 12, 2003


For those who know HTML this is very easy. For others, I'll explain it to you.

HTML is the language in which web pages are coded. Every web page is basically a text document written in HTML. It appears as it does only when viewed through a browser.

HTML is all composed of tags! Each HTML tag comes within the angle brackets ie. '<' and '>'. You have to give some values inside the tag to make it work. I don't think I need to bore you further as it's easy to just 'by hearten' the rest of it. Hehe...

So if you want to make a link, type in this

<a href="link URL">link name</a>.

So, if you want to give a link to CNN's site... here's what you type in

<a href="">CNN's Web Site</a>.

and it will appear as

CNN's Web Site

I hope it's clear. Reply



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