Tuesday, February 11, 2003

How to BLOG : Dr. Krishna Kumar Venkitachalam ( view bio )

Finally, our unofficial blog is officially uploaded. Hihihi! Here's what this means folks. Blogs are basically meant for easy web publishing. You can type in or paste anything that you find relevant and then simply click a post button so as to let everyone view it on this web page. This is the buzz on the web these days. I'll explain how to do it.

First of all, this blog can only be used by a select few who are invited by me. Of course, I can invite all of you. But then, this is meant only for those who use the internet frequently. That's why I've selected a very few. So, for those who go the e-mail invitation, they can click on the link on the e-mail. They will be taken to the blogger.com page for signing in or signing up (means creating an account). Creat an accout with the passowrd and username that you want. Once you have done that, you go to our blog page where you can post. The rest of the steps are mentioned below.

On the top left there is a form entry where you can type in or past the text/html you want to appear on the site. After you are done, simply click post & publish. The content will appear on our blog page which is http://mctvm96.tripod.com/blog.html. If you just click the POST button, the item gets posted on the blog page but is not published as as to appear on the blog page on our site.

This is for the first time users. Those users who have accounts can later on log in to blogger.com with their own username and passwords. Once you do that, you would see the link to our blog page which will be something like '96 Batch Blog'. Click on that to go to the blog page.

I hope it's clear. For any doubts just e-mail me.


Dr. Kay

Dr. Krishna Kumar Venkitachalam


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